Wednesday 29 May 2013

pablo picasso - yo picasso

Atlantic Puffin

Vase with 15 sunflowers -1888 by vincent van gogh

Sold 1987 $39.8 million

Monday 27 May 2013

Awesome photographs by Charlotte Trotman part 4

Awesome photographs by Charlotte Trotman part 3

Awesome photographs by Charlotte Trotman part 2

Awesome photographs by Charlotte Trotman part 1

Before You Die , You want to....?

to see this place...

Titanic underwater

                                                                                 Two of Titanic's engines

Flower Power

"Let a Thousand Parks Bloom"

THINK DIFFERENT- John Lennon & Yoko Ono

poster human be-in by michael bowen

a tribute to dr strange

grateful dead "That's It for the Other One"

Escapin' through the lily fields
I came across an empty space
It trembled and exploded
Left a bus stop in its place
The bus came by and I got on
That's when it all began
There was cowboy Neal
At the wheel
Of a bus to never-ever land
Grateful Dead, lyrics from "That's It for the Other One"

psychedelics rock

back-to-nature spiritual life of our ancestors

Steve Job - How hippie kid can change the world

Kitty yoga

Heaven HeLp me

Sunday 26 May 2013

shimeji mushroom

These are the tiny capped, long stemmed species that can be found in many Asian soups or as a garnish. Be sure and pay close attention to this one as it contains beta-glucans. According to the National Cancer Institute of Japan this compound is a successful remedy for retarding and destroying growing tumors. Shimeji mushrooms can also help diabetes, asthma and certain allergies by enhancing the immune system and boosting its healing capabilities.

Porcini mushroom

for Anti-Inflammation– A meaty mushroom similar to the Portabello has been used as a successful anti-inflammatory. It contains the compound ergosterol which is capable of cytotoxicity which is the process of attacking enemy cells.

Chanterelle mushroom

The Other Anti ‘Shroom – Looking like a single mini-trumpet this mushroom has been associated with anti-microbial, bacterial and fungal properties. They are also high in vitamin C, D and potassium.

oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are being studied as a possible defense against HIV. Due to its high anti-oxidant compounds, these mushrooms can be a life saving ingredient.

maitake mushroom

A half of a cup per day of maitake mushrooms is said to be able to sweep the system, find abnormal cells and cause them to self-destruct. At the same time, these trumpeting bushels can trigger the body to release killer immune system cells.

reishi mushroom

The Super Anti-‘Shroom– This mushroom that looks like a large brown and white flower made of wood, has the following properties: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. In addition, reishi mushrooms contain gandodermic acid which helps reduce cholesterol which in turn can lower high blood pressure. A few ounces per day is a good addition to a meal.

white mushroom

Weight Loss and Prostate Cancer Prevention- This category includes the familiar button mushroom, cremini and the Portobello. The white mushroom has a special carbohydrate that stokes the metabolic fire and maintains blood sugar levels. A strong metabolism means more burned fat. Three ounces per day for four to six weeks has been said to yield substantial weight loss (this does not mean that exercise and healthy eating is not required). These mushrooms are also high in selenium which not only aids weight loss but is showing to have positive effects on prostate cancer.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Autumn splendor

St Louis Arch, MO, USA

Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumphur

The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour, Russia

A Winters Path

Denali National Park, Alaska,USA

Hallelujah Mountains, China

These Chinese mountains are the inspiration for creating the environment in the movie Avatar and they are wonder of nature.

Just be patience


moon, purple, sea, Nature