Friday 24 January 2014


rare abstract art

grey 8297 abstract art jewelry box
grey 8297 abstract art jewelry box by forcas916
Look at more Grey Premium Gift Boxes at zazzle

Claude Monet

by epoxy_eyes

Claude Monet: Dandelions

Wednesday 22 January 2014


welcome to rivendell

why he is so handsome

u r in love

u share what story mortal

u just a mortal Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!Text... or snow?!

gandalf the grey

I try la stupid baboon click here you brainless zombie click here and seek your creator let find our ghost alpha,beta,delta,theta do you read us diamond ate the televisyen yellow butterfly coaster
yellow butterfly coaster
by eyeforbutterflies
work hard imagine your dream

Legolas in Mirkwood

Mirkwood was a great forest in Middle-earth located in the eastern region of Rhovanion between the Grey Mountains and Gondor.

"I'm on seventeen!"

"I give hope to men. I keep none for myself."

Frodo in the Shire.

He has a book. He's only ever read stories and heard the tales Bilbo tells. His head is full of the wonderful things that can happen when wizards appear to hobbits. He has no inkling of what is in store for him. No idea of the horrors he will witness nor the sacrifices that will be asked of him. All he goes forward with, is a heart full of the simple love of the Shire-folk. Nothing will ever be the same.

poster hobbit