Saturday 11 May 2013

art for a freak and the peculiar

I 'm drawing this picture with my peculiar brain , I used 100% of my brain to draw and this is how finally you look at it! There are several monster in this drawing and one monster to fight them all. The right side monster I call it Halliwoon. This monster is responsible to enter your dream and make chaos into your brain. That's why you always get sick when  you are children . This Halliwoon monster always disturb the kids that always go out playing after . The children should enter the house to study after 4.00p.m . The left sided monster I called them Harakironi monster . They are many as legion and have different shape. This monster is the protector of the children, they fight Halliwoon monster . Why Harakironi fights with Haliwoon , I think because they love to fight good vs evil . and then  who do you think will win this fight , well I let you imagination is running now .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
have you think your story ? good because I think my story as well , you say who win ?
Harakironi as many as legion or Halliwoon who is biggest  monster than anyone ever seen?

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